in what environment do chemical sedimentary rocks are most likely to form

Lesson Objectives

  • Describe how sedimentary rocks class.
  • Describe the properties of some common sedimentary rocks.
  • Relate some common uses of sedimentary rocks.


  • biochemical sedimentary rocks
  • bioclastic
  • cementation
  • chemical sedimentary rocks
  • clastic
  • compaction
  • lithification
  • organic


The White House of the Us is made of a sedimentary rock called sandstone.

The White House (shown in the Effigy to a higher place) is the official home and workplace of the President of the U.s.a. of America. Why do you lot remember the White House is white? If yous answered, "Because it is made of white rock," you would be just partially correct. Structure for the White House began in 1792. Its outside walls are made of the sedimentary rock sandstone. This sandstone is very porous and is hands penetrated by rainwater. Water harm was common in the early days of construction for the building. To stop the water damage, workers covered the sandstone in a mixture of common salt, rice, and glue, which aid to give the White Business firm its distinctive white color.


Sandstone is 1 of the common types of sedimentary rocks that form from sediments. There are many other types. Sediments may include:

  • fragments of other rocks that often accept been worn down into small pieces, such as sand, silt, or dirt.
  • organic materials, or the remains of once-living organisms.
  • chemical precipitates, which are materials that go left backside after the water evaporates from a solution.

Rocks at the surface undergo mechanical and chemic weathering. These concrete and chemic processes pause rock into smaller pieces. Physical weathering simply breaks the rocks apart. Chemical weathering dissolves the less stable minerals. These original elements of the minerals cease up in solution and new minerals may form. Sediments are removed and transported by h2o, wind, ice, or gravity in a process called erosion (Figure below). Much more information near weathering can be found in the "Weathering and Formation of Soil" chapter. Erosion is described in detail in the "Erosion and Deposition" chapter.

Alaska's Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes

Water erodes the country surface in Alaska's Valley of Ten Chiliad Smokes.

Streams carry huge amounts of sediment (Figure below). The more free energy the water has, the larger the particle information technology can carry. A rushing river on a steep slope might be able to bear boulders. As this stream slows downwardly, it no longer has the energy to carry large sediments and will driblet them. A slower moving stream will just behave smaller particles.

A river dumps sediments along its bed and on its banks.

Sediments are deposited on beaches and deserts, at the bottom of oceans, and in lakes, ponds, rivers, marshes, and swamps. Avalanches drib large piles of sediment. Glaciers leave large piles of sediments, also. Current of air tin can only transport sand and smaller particles. The type of sediment that is deposited will decide the type of sedimentary rock that can form. Different colors of sedimentary stone are adamant past the environment where they are deposited. Red rocks class where oxygen is present. Darker sediments form when the environment is oxygen poor.

Sedimentary Rock Formation

Accumulated sediments harden into stone by lithification, as illustrated in the Figure beneath. Two important steps are needed for sediments to lithify.

  1. Sediments are squeezed together by the weight of overlying sediments on peak of them. This is called compaction. Cemented, non-organic sediments become clastic rocks. If organic material is included, they are bioclastic rocks.
  2. Fluids fill in the spaces between the loose particles of sediment and crystallize to create a rock by cementation.

The sediment size in clastic sedimentary rocks varies profoundly (meet Table below).

This cliff is fabricated of sandstone. Sands were deposited and then lithified.

Sedimentary stone sizes and features
Rock Sediment Size Other Features
Conglomerate Large Rounded
Breccia Big Angular
Sandstone Sand-sized
Siltstone Silt-sized, smaller than sand
Shale Dirt-sized, smallest

When sediments settle out of calmer water, they form horizontal layers. I layer is deposited first, and some other layer is deposited on top of it. Then each layer is younger than the layer beneath it. When the sediments harden, the layers are preserved. Sedimentary rocks formed by the crystallization of chemic precipitates are called chemic sedimentary rocks. Every bit discussed in the "Earth's Minerals" chapter, dissolved ions in fluids precipitate out of the fluid and settle out, only like the halite in Figure beneath.

The evaporite, halite, on a cobble from the Expressionless Sea, Israel.

Biochemical sedimentary rocks course in the body of water or a salt lake. Living creatures remove ions, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, from the h2o to make shells or soft tissue. When the organism dies, it sinks to the ocean floor to become a biochemical sediment, which may then become compacted and cemented into solid rock (Figure below).

Fossils in a biochemical rock, limestone, in the Carmel Formation in Utah

Fossils in a biochemical rock, limestone, in the Carmel Formation in Utah.

Table below shows some common types of sedimentary rocks.

Common Sedimentary Rocks
Picture show Rock Name Type of Sedimentary Rock
Conglomerate Clastic (fragments of non-organic sediments)
Breccia Clastic
Sandstone Clastic
Siltstone Clastic
Shale Clastic
Rock Salt Chemical precipitate
Gypsum Chemical precipitate
Dolostone Chemical precipitate
Limestone Bioclastic (sediments from organic materials, or constitute or animal remains)
Coal Organic

Uses of Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary rocks are used as building stones, although they are not as hard as igneous or metamorphic rocks. Sedimentary rocks are used in construction. Sand and gravel are used to brand concrete; they are also used in asphalt. Many economically valuable resources come from sedimentary rocks. Iron ore and aluminum are two examples.

Lesson Summary

  • Weathering and erosion produce sediments. Sediments are transported by water, wind, water ice, or gravity.
  • After sediments are deposited, they undergo compaction and/or cementation to become sedimentary rocks.
  • Biochemical sedimentary rocks course when living creatures using ions in water to create shells, bones, or soft tissue die and autumn to the bottom as sediments.

Review Questions

  1. What are three categories of things that might exist part of the sediments in sedimentary rock?
  2. If you see a sedimentary stone outcrop with layers of ruddy sandstone on top of layers of tan sandstone, what practise y'all know about the ages of the 2 layers?
  3. Why do sedimentary rocks sometimes have layers of unlike colors?
  4. Describe the 2 processes necessary for sediments to lithify into sedimentary rock.
  5. How are bioclastic rocks different from clastic rocks? Give an instance of a bioclastic rock.
  6. What type of sedimentary rock is coal?
  7. In what surround exercise yous call back chemical sedimentary rocks are almost probable to form?

Further Reading / Supplemental Links

  • A way to learn about the iii rock types and some of the rocks within each type.

Points to Consider

  • Is a rock always fabricated of minerals? Do the requirements for something to be a mineral need to be met for something to be a rock?
  • Which type of rocks exercise yous think yield the most information virtually Earth's past?
  • Could a younger layer of sedimentary stone ever exist found under an older layer? How do you call up this could happen?
  • Could a sedimentary stone form but by compaction from intense pressure?


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